Remove from list box ?



In my form i have 2 list boxes and command button 'cmdAdd'. when I select
from list box 'lstAvailable' and click on button then it will add to second
list box 'lstSelected'., so my code for button add on click works fine. I am
trying to find out how can i remove when i double click on second list box
'lstSelected' (the row source type for that list box is Value List, control
source nothing).
Please help me !!!!
Thank you.
Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()

Dim InvListCounter As Integer, InvCurrentCounter As Integer
Dim InvListItems As Integer, InvCurrentItems As Integer
Dim ListStr As String, FoundInList As Integer

InvListItems = [lstAvailable].ListCount - 1
InvCurrentItems = [lstSelected].ListCount - 1
For InvListCounter = 0 To InvListItems
If [lstAvailable].Selected(InvListCounter) = True Then
If IsNull([lstSelected].RowSource) Then
ListStr = [lstAvailable].Column(0, InvListCounter) & ";"
[lstSelected].RowSource = ListStr
FoundInList = False
For InvCurrentCounter = 0 To InvCurrentItems
If [lstSelected].Column(0, InvCurrentCounter) = _
[lstAvailable].Column(0, InvListCounter) Then
FoundInList = True
End If
Next InvCurrentCounter
If Not FoundInList Then
ListStr = [lstSelected].RowSource & _
[lstAvailable].Column(0, InvListCounter) & ";"
[lstSelected].RowSource = ""
[lstSelected].RowSource = ListStr
End If
End If
End If

Next InvListCounter

End Sub

Michel Walsh


If you use a value list, you have to remove the substring from the string.

str = Replace( "," & myList , ", " & substring , vbNullString)

will replace the substring with nothing. You must also check to see if the
first char is a "," and have to remove it if so:

if( Left(str, 1) = "," ) then str = Mid(str, 2)

and now, supply that string as the new list.

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

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