Remove hyphens from SSN



Please help...

Is there a way to remove hyphen from SSN without stripping out the leading

I used the replace function under the Edit menu -- Find "-" and Replace with
"". It worked on some SSNs but didn't on the SSNs with leading zeros.

001-23-4567 ==>1234567 (expected result = 001234567)

Dave Peterson

will return text

will return numbers. You could use format|cells|custom and give it a custom
format of 000000000.

Or select your cells
what: - (hyphen)
with: (leave blank)
replace all

And use that same custom format.

Bob Umlas, Excel MVP

first format the cells containing the SSN as text.
Bob Umlas
Excel MVP

Don Guillett

try this in a helper column. Could be a macro.

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