Here's my solution in case you don't want to unlink everything by hitting
Add the SELECT HYPERLINK button to your Quick Access Toolbar;
Add the REMOVE HYPERLINK button to your Quick Access Toolbar;
Select the FIND button, which will open the Find and Replace tool;
Select MORE >> and FORMAT at the bottom;
Select FONT and choose the options that best fit the way the hyperlink has
been formatted in the text: if it's been underlined; if it's given as a
superscript; if it's in the color Blue. (Try to be a specific as possible!)
As the tool jumps through the document finding the formatted text, you'll
notice that the SELECT HYPERLINK button in the toolbar is highlighted: click
Click the REMOVE HYPERLINK button, and the hyperlink will be remove.
You'll find that you can still move pretty rapidly through the document,
albeit not as quickly as simply selecting all of the text and hitting
CTRL+SHIFT+F9. However, this is meant for those who might have a number of
linked fields that are not hyperlinks per se.
If you feel comfortable with computer code, like macros and whatnot, then
you might give a try to the macro created by the aforementioned Microsoft
MVP. I am not so comfortable. So, I spend most of my time working around
2007's inadequacies.