remove pop up progress meter


Harry H

Access 2003. Have set up code as per MS Knowledge Base article 285820 to
display an image from a file external to Access in a form where the image
changes as you scroll through database records. Path names to the images are
stored in a text field on the table and VBA code is used to set the Picture
property of an Image Control.
This works fine but as I move through the records a pop up progress meter
appears which states importing from (filename) and shows progress meter bar.
This is annoying when scrolling through a number of records. Can this be
hidden or turned off.


Did you try DoCmd.SetWarnings (False)?

I work with Access 97, don't know if it will work with Access 2003

Harry H

Hi Yanick, yes tried this but doesn't work.

Yanick said:
Did you try DoCmd.SetWarnings (False)?

I work with Access 97, don't know if it will work with Access 2003

Harry H

Stephen, thanks for this, however couple of issues.
1. Altering the registry would only affect my machine, so a problem with a
distributed system.
2. Ran the code from Dev Ashish "Suppress the Loading Image dialog" and
whilst I can see what it is attempting, the dialog box still appears on the
screen, albeit for a lesser time.
Perhaps its something I'm going to have to live with.

Thanks again - Harry H.

Douglas J Steele

You should be able to include code in your front-end to ensure that the
registry update has been applied to each machine.

Harry H

Thanks, I didn't realise I could alter the registry from within my
application. I have searched a number of sites for some code to do this
(I've only just started with VBA) but can't find any. There is 1 entry on
this Discussion Group, but it is for Access 97 and I can't open the download.
Would you have anything ?
Also an entry I found on another discussion group stated that the registry
could only be changed if the user was logged on as Administrator, do you know
if that is the case.
Thanks - Harry H

Stephen Lebans

Sounds like a good topic for the next mag article you write Doug.

Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.

Douglas J Steele

Yes, it's possible that the ability to update the registry can be blocked.
In corporations, you normally get around this by having installation scripts
that run with elemented privileges.

The simplest way to update the registry through VBA would be to have a .REG
file and Shell to Regedit to merge that file:

Shell "regedit.exe " & Chr$(34) & strPathToRegFile & Chr$(34)

Alternatively, you might be able to use the WScript model:

Dim objWSHShell As Object

Set objWSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
objWSHShell.RegWrite strName, varValue, strType

strName must begin with one of HKCU (or HKEY_CURRENT_USER), HKLM (or

varValue is whatever's appropriate for the key: text for REG_SZ or

strType is optional. The following values are supported: "REG_SZ",

The most reliable approach, of course, is to use APIs. I've successfully
used the code from

Douglas J Steele

Not a bad idea, Stephen, but seeing as I'm just finishing off my March
column, it wouldn't get published before April at the earliest, which means
I wouldn't be allowed to put it on my web site until October. Somehow I
suspect Harry would like an answer before then! <g>

Harry H


With my knowledge of VB I may be getting out of my depth here, however if I
know the problem can be resolved I can progress.

Thanks for your support and time, much appreciated.

Harry H.

Harry H


A problem when changing the registry. Used Registry Editor on my machine to
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Graphics
Filters\Import\JPEG\Options ShowProgressDialog key value to "No" and dialog
box still appears. Closing and re-opening both the form and Access has no
effect. Any ideas, is there something I've missed.

Thanks, Harry H.

Douglas J Steele

Sorry, while I know how to read and update the registry, I don't know how
every key there works! <g>

What operating system are you running? It's possible that the behaviour has
changed since Klaus found that fix.


Check also the equivalent key in HKEY_CURRENT_USER.

The value is case sensitive; IIRC Stephen Lebans found that it must be 'No'.

Harry H


Thanks for this. Changed both HKEY_CURRENT_USER and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and
now works.

Cheers - Harry H.

Harry H


Have followed Bob's suggestion and problem now solved. Have used REGEDIT to
change both keys and also called the function as written by TheScarms from
within my Form. Both these methods work and solve my problem. As I
understand it Klaus's fix worked until Windows XP, but for XP
HKEY_CURRENT_USER must be changed as well as HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. Once again
many thanks for your time.

Harry H.

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