James H.
Hi all,
I've been writing Word templates with VBA for a little while, but have
never been able to fix the annoying problem (my home computer is running
WordXP on WinXP-Home while my work computer is running Word2K on
Win2K-Pro, both have Security set to Medium):
1. I create and save Simple.dot, a template which includes a simple macro.
2. I double-click Simple.dot to create a new document and save the
resulting file, IamSimple.doc.
3. Later, when I double-click IamSimple.doc to open the file, I get the
the message that C:\...\Simple.dot contains macros. As it turns out,
IamSimple.doc contains a reference to Simple.dot, and the Simple.dot
project is also open in the macro workspace.
The relevant macro code I have is the following ThisDocument code to
open the form:
Private Sub Document_New()
End Sub
Also, the following to close the form:
Unload frm_Simple
Is there a piece of VBA code I can insert into my Simple.dot template to
remove all references to Simple.dot? I'd really rather not have someone
else open up IamSimple.dot on their machine and get that annoying
"contains macros" messages.
I've been writing Word templates with VBA for a little while, but have
never been able to fix the annoying problem (my home computer is running
WordXP on WinXP-Home while my work computer is running Word2K on
Win2K-Pro, both have Security set to Medium):
1. I create and save Simple.dot, a template which includes a simple macro.
2. I double-click Simple.dot to create a new document and save the
resulting file, IamSimple.doc.
3. Later, when I double-click IamSimple.doc to open the file, I get the
the message that C:\...\Simple.dot contains macros. As it turns out,
IamSimple.doc contains a reference to Simple.dot, and the Simple.dot
project is also open in the macro workspace.
The relevant macro code I have is the following ThisDocument code to
open the form:
Private Sub Document_New()
End Sub
Also, the following to close the form:
Unload frm_Simple
Is there a piece of VBA code I can insert into my Simple.dot template to
remove all references to Simple.dot? I'd really rather not have someone
else open up IamSimple.dot on their machine and get that annoying
"contains macros" messages.