Remove row height not usefull in a table


Alex St-Pierre

I'm wondering if there's a way to remove all row height space not usefull.
As example, I have a table in excel which contains a line that takes 2 rows
height. After copying the table, this line takes only one row in word but
word let the row height as if it takes 2. Is there a way to resize each row
of a word table (by removing each row height not usefull) to take the minimum
space required?

Thank you!

Shauna Kelly

Hi Alex

There are potentially several things going on here:

1. Make sure there are no extraneous paragraph marks in the table cells.
Click the ¶ button to be able to view the paragraph marks, and see the
following for more information:
What do all those funny marks, like the dots between the words in my
document, and the square bullets in the left margin, mean?

2. Make sure that there is no inappropriate Space Before or Space After the
paragraphs in the table.

3. You can re-set all rows in the selected table to have Automatic row
height with something like the following:
Sub SetTableRowHeight()

Dim oTable As Word.Table

If Selection.Information(wdWithInTable) Then
Set oTable = Selection.Tables(1)
oTable.Rows.HeightRule = wdRowHeightAuto
End If

End Sub

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.

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