Remove screen tips-OfficeXP, Word 2K3


Jennifer Dargis

I have a client (legal firm) who wants to remove the screen tips from
documents with tracked changes. They want to send it with the "red-lining"
showing, but with no screen tip. They have just converted from WordPerfect.
In WP it just showed the change but no balloon or screen tip showing who did
what, when. They have already removed the personal information when saving,
so the tip says "Author: ...", but they don't even want that to show when
they email the document to the client.

I have searched the help system and the knowledge base and have only found a
way to turn it off. The problem is, obviously, that if the recipient has it
turned on, they will see the screen tip over the changes.

Any assistance will be appreciated - even if there is no way to accomplish


Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi =?Utf-8?B?SmVubmlmZXIgRGFyZ2lz?=,

I think the only way this could be accomplished would be a macro in the file
that changes the setting on the recipients' machines (on open) and reinstates it
when closing the document. But distributing documents with macros opens up an
entirely different can of worms...

A possibility would be an "in-house" macro that FORMATs a copy of the original
document with strikethrough, red, or whatever, accepting/rejecting the changes
as it goes. The client gets a "static" file; the original with the changes
remains in-house.
I have a client (legal firm) who wants to remove the screen tips from
documents with tracked changes. They want to send it with the "red-lining"
showing, but with no screen tip. They have just converted from WordPerfect.
In WP it just showed the change but no balloon or screen tip showing who did
what, when. They have already removed the personal information when saving,
so the tip says "Author: ...", but they don't even want that to show when
they email the document to the client.

I have searched the help system and the knowledge base and have only found a
way to turn it off. The problem is, obviously, that if the recipient has it
turned on, they will see the screen tip over the changes.

Any assistance will be appreciated - even if there is no way to accomplish

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 8 2004)

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