Remove "Table" from List of Tables



When generating a list of tables (or figures) using tables
with captions, it appears that Word allows the list to be
generated in one of two basic ways. The default list of
tables includes the word "Table", followed by the table
number, followed by the table caption and page number.
Deselecting the "Include label and number" checkbox in
the "Index and Tables" dialog box when creating the list
of tables removes both the word "Table" and the table
number from the list, but leaves the table caption and
page number. Is there any way to generate this list -
using table captions - without the word "Table" appearing
in the list but leaving all other information (i.e. table
number, caption and page number only)? This would prevent
the list of tables that I am trying to generate from
having the word "Table" presented over and over and over
down the left side of the page.

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Roger,

Tables of content/figures/tables are generated and maintained
by TOC fields. In the Word HELP file for the topic TOC field
you'll find a list of all the switches you can use to change
how the result looks. I don't think there's a way to make the
change you want, but read through the switches...

Alt+F9 will toggle the field code display on/off.

Otherwise, you could use a macro to remove, say, the first
seven characters from every paragraph in the field's range.
The change would be lost every time the field is updated, so
you'd probably also want to lock the field before printing
(Ctrl+F11 locks; Ctrl+Shift+F11 unlocks)
When generating a list of tables (or figures) using tables
with captions, it appears that Word allows the list to be
generated in one of two basic ways. The default list of
tables includes the word "Table", followed by the table
number, followed by the table caption and page number.
Deselecting the "Include label and number" checkbox in
the "Index and Tables" dialog box when creating the list
of tables removes both the word "Table" and the table
number from the list, but leaves the table caption and
page number. Is there any way to generate this list -
using table captions - without the word "Table" appearing
in the list but leaving all other information (i.e. table
number, caption and page number only)? This would prevent
the list of tables that I am trying to generate from
having the word "Table" presented over and over and over
down the left side of the page.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun
8 2004)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow
question or reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)



Thanks for the feedback - you confirmed my suspicion that
there is no straightforward way to remove the word "Table"
or "Figure" from a generated list using the table/figure
caption features of Word. This is too bad, really,
because the automated table/figure numbering that is
provided by Word for the captions is a real help when
working with documents with lots of tables/figures.
Anyway, thanks again.


Margaret Aldis

Hi Roger

A workaround for this one is to use the setting that leaves off the label
and number, and then add numbering back to the TOC styles to simulate the
number sequence.

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