remove text animation



I had copied a doc file, from another computer. I found that some text was
having animation effects "sparkle text". After working on the said word file;
the next time I found that sparkle text effects as my default format style.
Everytime I copy and paste a portion of a text the animation will follow.
Please let me know how do I remove the said formating from my Office 2007.


It would appear that you Style or Styles have been affected by the import of
a similarly named Style with the Sparkle Text font setting.
I would check the format settings for the specific Styles that have been
affect, you can do this in any affected document, select the affected style
in the Style and Formatting area, Modify, Format, Font, Text Effects, change
to (none), OK, Check the box Add to template, uncheck Automatically Update
box, OK.
Do the same for any other affected styles, then save the document and accept
the changes to the template (if you get this question that is).

To be able to paste over text without this setting, use Paste Special
Unformatted Text. The paste will paste in the text into your new document and
will automatically be applied the style where the cursor was.

The instruction above are for 2003 and prior but hopefully will point you in
the right 2007 direction.
Hope this helps

Stefan Blom

If the text animation was added as direct formatting, you should be able to
get rid of it by selecting the text and pressing Ctrl+SpaceBar. Note,
however, that this also removes any other direct font formatting from the

If the formatting was included with a style definition, you must use a macro
to get rid of it. For example, the following code clears the animation from
the Normal style of the active document:

ActiveDocument.Styles(wdStyleNormal).Font.Animation = wdAnimationNone

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