Remove Warning to hyperlinked pdf in Office 4 Mac



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)

I liked to use a lot of hyperlinks at work to keep my documents organized and keep all the "references" to materials close at hand.

I have a word document that I created in the mac version of word (at work I've always used the Microsoft Widows OS) but it seems that I'm getting a new error:

"Opening file../.../....pdf

Some files can contain viruses or otherwise be harmful to your computer. It is important to be certain this file is from a trustworthy source.

Would you like to open the file?

Cancel (button) Yes (button"

I can find online a way to disable this in the Windows OS but there are no clear instructions for the MAC. I assume this is a windows error that is being generated on the mac through the product? but don't even know if this is an error at the OS level or the program level?

MOSTLY --> I JUST WANT TO GET RID OF THIS ERROR MESSAGE! I made the pdf file myself (I TRUST myself to not write a virus -- at least not for my OWN computer).

Any advise or help would be greatly appreciated, especially as it pertains to removing this error on a MAC (OS-X)

John McGhie

Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)

I liked to use a lot of hyperlinks at work to keep my documents organized and
keep all the "references" to materials close at hand.

I have a word document that I created in the mac version of word (at work I've
always used the Microsoft Widows OS) but it seems that I'm getting a new

"Opening file../.../....pdf

Some files can contain viruses or otherwise be harmful to your computer. It is
important to be certain this file is from a trustworthy source.

Would you like to open the file?

Cancel (button) Yes (button"

I can find online a way to disable this in the Windows OS but there are no
clear instructions for the MAC. I assume this is a windows error that is being
generated on the mac through the product? but don't even know if this is an
error at the OS level or the program level?

myself (I TRUST myself to not write a virus -- at least not for my OWN

Any advise or help would be greatly appreciated, especially as it pertains to
removing this error on a MAC (OS-X)

No, it's not a "Windows" error message, it is a "Mac Office" error message.

Malware Exploits have been found hiding in PDFs, so now Mac Office warns
about opening PDFs.

It's Microsoft's attempt to make Mac OS X appear to be as bad as Vista :)

See if this helps:

I am afraid I don't have time to read it all right now...


This email is my business email -- Please do not email me about forum
matters unless you intend to pay!


John McGhie, Microsoft MVP (Word, Mac Word), Consultant Technical Writer,
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. | Ph: +61 (0)4 1209 1410
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]


It would appear that John is on target here. The message is a relatively new
development as a result of concern for security issues. That aspect has been
built into the MS products for Mac but we don't [yet] have the Trust
Center/Trusted Sources facilities of the Windows products.


Thanks guys,

Still not sure what this all means, and I've not been able to get rid of the message - if you have more time to suggest anything I'd appreciate it but recognize that it's kind of out of the scope of this board.

Thanks for the help.


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