Removing 0 or none 0 values from graphs


Mike Punko

Ok got this to work for Line and bar graphs haven't tried anyothers yet.
The pesky problem of yoru graphs always plotting 0 or none 0 values
(#N/A...) as 0 can be hidden in a very sneeky way. Fish off in yoru chart
put a IF statement that if the value is greater then 0 everything goes as
normal, but if it's False then enter in a value like -100. Then on yoru
graph set your Y-axis Minimun to 0. the -100 Data value will be off the
graph and won't show up. Like I said very sneeky.

If statement used.

Andy Pope

Hi Mike,

I can see how the actual point would not show when set to -100 and the
minimum y axis value set to zero. But that does not stop the line
between points plummeting to the base line and then re surfacing a bit
further along.
Or are your line charts just points?


Mike Punko

You are corect on the line/area just plummeting but it's a lot better then
showing a line at the bottom of the graph. Not to mention with a small
change to the code you can still graph the 0 values but remove the none 0


This will allow you to graph the true 0 values but leave out the none 0

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