Removing a delegate causes an NDR



after removing an ex employees account from my delegates, people sending me
meeting requests are getting an NDR from the removed account. I properly
removed the delegate. What else should I do to completely remove the hidden
rule that causes this?


We're using Exchange Server 2003 with Outlook 2003, when you use the Outlook
client to add a Delegate and then subsequently delete the delegate account
from Active Directory you run into the issue where other users get NDR's to
meeting request that are sent to the mailbox of the user that had the (now
deleted) delegate account.

Unfortunately you can't remove the delegate from the list (using Microsoft
Outlook - Tools - Options - Delegates) as it has already been removed for
you. Sadly the hidden rule which forwards the message appears to have NOT
been removed! It's very frustrating.

I've found that if you run "outlook.exe /cleanserverrules" it does remove
the rule - but this is no good as it deletes ALL your server rules - not

So do you guys have any idea how you can view/remove Hidden Server Rules? If
you know how to do this I'd love to know :)


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