Removing a picture box from an Excel 2007 spreadsheet



I cut & paste a lot of stuff into Excel spread sheets form web pages that
include boxes or icons you either check (to update or delete), or click on
(to enter, edit or display), enter data into or hold the mouse over (to
open/display an information blurb box).

In Excel 2003 these boxes & icons paste in as picture boxes.
These boxes are not riley in any cell but kind of hover over a cell or cells
in the spread sheet, so if you highlight everything and delete it the picture
boxes move to the beginning of the rows but are not deleted.

In excel 2003 if I moved my curser over the box it gave me a 4 way arrow. If
I clicked on (select) the picture box it added 4 little circles to the
corners of the box. Then I could just hit the delete key and delete the
picture box.

In excel 2007 it dose not give me the 4 way arrow or let me click on
(select) the box. So I can not delete it.

Shane Devenshire

See one of your other posts for 2 detailed solutions, and please try not to
cross post that is consider bad practice in Newsgroups.


Manually Press F5-Key, in the GoTo dialog box which appears press Special
button, then select the radio button for Objects, press OK the press the

Programmatically to remove such debris run a little macro from your Personal

Sub DeleteAllShapes()
'Purpose: To remove items such as pictures, jpg, bmp files from
Active sheet.
'Just in case it throws an error: eg sheet is protected.
On error goto ErrPoint
For Each oShape In ActiveSheet.Shapes
On error goto 0

MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub



Hitting the keyboard "DEL" works for me?? once the picture is selected
(circles) Excel 2007

Rick Rothstein

If you right-click these items, do you get a popup menu that allows you to
"Cut" the item (or, alternately press Esc to dismiss the popup menu allowing
you to press the Delete key to remove it)?

David Biddulph

Reasonable cross-posting is not considered bad practice. What is bad
practice is either excessive cross-posting, or multi-posting. The OP's
message does not appear to have been cross-posted, but may have been

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