Removing all formulae/functions/codes from previously saved worksh



Good morning everyone,
I'm a newbie and using Excell 2007.

I would like to know how to remove all formulae and/or functions (and codes
when I will have some) from previously saved worksheets, to leave me with
just the values and, possibly, the colour coding in some cells when there are

I would like to apply this to all my saved worbooks (saved in folders) so
that I am left with data only, be it numeric or text; the saved files are
mainly used for checking against the current working sheet and there is no
need for further calculations on those.

I thought that by doing this, I would be saving valuable computer speed, to
be used on my current worksheet/worbook.

Is this correct and can I do this?

Thank you for your help

Roger Govier


If you copy the whole range of your data>Paste Special>Values
this will remove all formulae, and will retain the values created by those
formulae, as well as any constants that were entered.

Yes, it will speed up the sheets as there will be no calculation taking
place. Whether the speed increase will be noticeable, will depend upon the
number and type of formulae being used.


Thank you very much Roger, will apply your advice.

I have also read your advice in another thread in "functions" re keeping
formulae, etc., in the current worksheet but removing all data to return a
blank new worksheet. The only missing bit was the last question of the poster
re returning the cells containing said formulae/functions blank - ready for
new input; that would be exactly what I am looking for (after saving as per
advice of course).

Thank you for your further advice

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