Removing apostrophe from text entry



I'm using Access 2000 SR1. How do I remove apostrophe from a field, Replace()
doesn't work in this version of Access according to my research? I've tried
using: Mid(strText, intStart, 1) = " " which will replace the apostrophe with
a space (O'Brien to O Brien). I need the apostrophe replaced with nothing
(i.e. O'Brien to OBrien). If I use: Mid(strText, intStart, 1) = "" then
nothing happens, the apostrophe remains. I'm obviously missing something, but
what? The ultimate purpose of this is to import payroll info from a .CSV file
and compare that data to login info in the database. Payroll uses the
person's legal name (O'Brien) but the login data uses a shortened name

Tim Ferguson

How do I remove apostrophe from a field, Replace()
doesn't work in this version of Access

const apostropheCode as integer = 39 ' I think... :)
dim tempString as string
dim i as integer

for i = 1 to Len(oldString)
if Asc(Mid$(oldString,i,1))=apostropheCode Then
' do nothing
tempString = tempString & (Mid$(oldString,i,1)
end if
next i

' return tempString

Hope that helps

Tim F

Douglas J Steele

You really should apply the missing service packs: you run the risk of
serious problems without some of the fixes that apply.

There was a problem using Replace in queries in Access 2000 SR1, but I
believe it was possible to write your own wrapper function that would then
work. Something along the lines of:

Function MyReplace( _
InputText As String, _
ChangeFrom As String, _
ChangeTo As String) As String

MyReplace = Replace(InputText, _
ChangeFrom, ChangeTo)

End Function

You could then use MyReplace instead of Replace.



Yes, I agree that the missing service packs should be applied but
unfortunately that's not my call to make (sigh). Thanks for the wrapper
function, it's much more concise and works perfectly.


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