Removing blank spaces



I have two text fields storing part numbers. One stores a stripped number
and the other stores a spaced number. Example: (12345 and 12 34 5). I have a
Search text box that I currently type a stripped number into and the record
is retrieved. I need help on the following:
If a spaced number is entered, I would like to strip all spaces and have it
find the stripped number as if I had typed the stripped number first. can
anyone help me? Thanks in advance.


Michel Walsh

Replace( yourString, " ", "" )

should replace the spaces to nothing. That function may not works, in a
query, with older Access versions.

? Replace(" a b ced fg h ", " ", "")

You can probably use a line like:

Me.TextBoxN.Value = Replace(Me.TextBoxN.Value, " ", "" )

in the after update event of the control TextBoxN.

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

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