1. Create a query into this table.
2. Change it to a Delete query (Delete on Query menu).
Access adds a Delete row to the grid.
3. Drag the * from the table in the upper pane into the grid.
Accept From in the Delete row under this field.
4. In a fresh column of the Field row, enter:
replacing "Date1" with the name of your field.
Accept Where in the Delete row.
5. In the Criteria row under this field, enter:
1 or 7
6. Run the query.
All Sundays (day 1) and Saturdays (day 7) will be removed.
Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.
Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.
Coldtail88 said:
I have a MS Access table that includes 7 days in a week. I need to make a
querie that removes dates that fall on a weekend. (So I'll just have data
returned Monday through Friday)
Thanks for any help!