Removing duplicate entries.



Hi All,

I have a large series of numbers, split into three columns.

The first contains a product code, the second a vendor number referring
to whom the item has been ordered from, and the third the total number
of orders placed with that vendor.

Where a product has been ordered from more than one vendor, the Item
number appears more than once in Column A.

For instance, in the example below, Product Code 00301 appears twice in
Col A, showing one order from vendor '944' and two orders from vendor

I need to filter out the duplicate item numbers in column A, leaving
each item in just once. This result should be the vendor from whom the
greatest amount of orders has been placed, for each item.

96 532CD 2
98 393WMB 3
00101 944 1
00301 944 1
00301 532CD 2
00401 944 1

Any help / suggestions very much appreciated!!


Dave Peterson

Sort your range by item number and by total.

Then put this in column D2 (headers in row 1??).

And drag down.

Apply Data|Filter|autofilter to that column D.
filter to show greater than 1
Delete those visible rows.

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