Removing Embedded Objects Completely - File Size Issues




I'm looking for a solution to completely remove all embedded objects from an
Excel work book. I currently have an Excel work book that is 100 megabytes
in file size due to a number of embedded objects (Insert->Object->From
File->Display as Icon) on multiple tabs of the work book. I am trying to
clean this work book to use it as a template, however, when I remove the
Objects the file size remains the same 100 megabytes. As such, I think Excel
is just removing the link to the actual embedded object but not the file
itself/file header information which keeps the large file size. I have used
the following methods to delete the objects but it has not worked
successfully in lowering the file size:

1. Select the Icon and hit the "Del" key on the keyboard.
2. F5->Special->Objects then Cut/Delete

Additionally, now when I do the F5->Special->Objects it says there are no
objects as well.

I am an experienced Excel user, programmer, and generally more savy than
most when it comes to computers and solutions to computer related problems,
however, to my knowledge the ONLY work around for this is to to create a new
Excel work book and copy/paste the information relevant. This works just
fine as I have tested, however, we are dealing with 300 of these work books
and it would be an extremely large/time consuming effort to copy/paste each
one. Please help!


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