Word is an application centred on styles, so there will always be at least
To make all the text plain and in the one style (no paragraph variations
such as leading, no character variations such as italicizing), select all
the text, copy it, click in a new blank document in a blank paragraph that
has, say, Normal style, then choose Edit menu -> Paste Special ->
Unformatted Text. All the text will now have the characteristics of plain
vanilla Normal.
Sorry, but you won't get any work from me or many other professional
document developers -- in collaboration with the graphic designer, we base
our styles on what's best in InDesign, so that a huge amount of time is
saved in not having to re-apply styles throughout the document. The styles
will be probably be re-defined, of course, but that's quick and simple.
Just kidding!... I'm familiar with the formatting nightmares in Word that
come from people who know and care nothing about styles. Better to strip out
and start again, non?
Clive Huggan
Canberra, Australia
(My time zone is at least 7 hours different from the US and Europe, so my
follow-on responses to those regions can be delayed)
* A SUGGESTION ‹ WAIT FOR CONSIDERED ADVICE: If you post a question, keep
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better answer can be provided. Good tips about getting the best out of
posting are at (if you use Safari
and it gives you a blank page the first time, you may need to hit the
circular arrow icon -- "Reload the current page" -- a few times).
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