removing extra line breaks in outgoing HTML messages - Outlook 2003



When composing HTML format emails in Outlook 2003 using Word as the email
editor extra line breaks are inserted in messages. It appears that the ENTER
key inserts a new paragraph <P> in html instead of the break character <BR>.
Obviously, you can not see the HTML tag difference as you are composing the
message in Outlook/Word. You need to view the HTML that Word 2003 generates
for the email.

This results in double spaces between paragraphs that are only visible to
the recipient. This is a problem when sending to webmail or non-Outlook

I realize that it is possible to force Outlook to insert a <BR> rather than
<P> by hitting SHIFT-ENTER instead. Is there a way to force this behavior as
default when you hit ENTER?

Keep in mind the following:
1) must keep using Word as email editor, for rich editing features.
2) must keep sending messages in HTML to enable content, wide color range
for text etc.

Thank you,


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