Removing extra spacing between lines in a large document all at on



I have copied and pasted a large document from the internet and every
paragraph there is a spacing between the lines. How can I remove this in one
go without having to tab and delete to move the lines together. Please can
anyone help. I am using Word 2007


You can do a Global Replace searching for Paragraph Mark and replace it with
nothing (or whatever you want). Press Control H and type ^P in Find What.
Leave Replace With empty and press Replace All. Be sure to Save beforehand so
if it turns out wrong you can ReDo (Control Z).



I tried your method and it did remove all the spaces but then it joined all
the paragraphs
and chapters together which means I will still have to manually pull the
paragraphs apart. I need to
take the spacings away in each individual paragraph.

The way I typed the reply is the way it looks in my document, as you can see
the sentences dont
join, and I need to know how to fix this. My document has 106 pages and that
i an awfull lot of tabing
and deleting spaces.


It seems to replace one paragrpah mark for no paragraph mark, it should have
been Replace two ^p with one ^p.
See my other posting which also includes the other codes that can be
included in web-text that can be removed safely.
Hopefully you worked on a copy and can quickly get to the situation you want.
All the best.

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