Removing first 10 characters of text




I have a list of 1,000 rows of data and I want to remove the first 10
characters from each cell. I can't use the =RIGHT function because each cell
has a different number of characters. Any ideas?


Rick Rothstein

Use the MID function...


The 999 needs to be a number larger than the longest piece of text that you
anticipate (it doesn't matter if the number is larger or not).

David Biddulph

Why can't you use the RIGHT function?
What's wrong with =RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-10) ?

Shane Devenshire


You can use either RIGHT or MID or

Select all the data in you 1000 rows, say A1:A1000 and choose Data, Text to
Columns, Fixed Width, Next. In the Preview pane click between the 10th and
11th characters - this will put in a line/arrow. Click Next. Select the 1st
column in the Preview pane and choose Do Not Import (Skip). Click Finish.

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