OK, checked it out and here is the scoop.
Word has 210 fonts
TextEdit has 187 fonts
Library on the HD has 111 fonts
Library in my user account has 177 fonts
I set up a new account on the machine and the Word in that account
appears to have 210 fonts.
Does this help?
A little. You appear to have 288 fonts as well as the 32? fonts in
System/Library/Fonts/ that you don't mention, assuming that you have no
duplicates between /Library and ~/Library That looks like 320 in total
But wait! You created a new user and she sees 210 fonts without any
fonts at all in her ~/Library/Fonts?
None of that makes sense. You can't be counting apples.
Word's font menu is primitive. It lists every variation in a font
family as a separate font. My Garamond Premiere Pro gets 35 lines in
Word's font list. My Helvetica Neue takes another 51 lines. Thus 2
lines in Font Book is 86 in Word. Finder does list each of the OTF
variants as a separate file, but other font families stay in a single
file. So it ain't straightforward.
Try disabling everything that Font Book will let you disable,
restarting Word and then count the separate font families in Word's
Font menu list. How does that compare with what you see in Font Book or
by looking at the totals in Finder in each of the Font directories?