Removing index entries in MS Word 2002


Pat Dtzel

How can I globally remove all index entries in a
document? My work-around at this point is to globally
replace Hidden text with nothing. Unfortunately, if
there's any other hidden text beside the "XE" field, it
gets deleted also.

When I use a new concordance file to mark the index
entries, the old entries still exist and show up in the
new index.

So far, I can only find directions to turn on hidden text,
go to each index entry, and mannually delete it. There
has to be a better way.




Display hidden text then go to Edit, Replace, and put "^d
XE" in the Find text box not including the quotation
marks, and nothing in the replace Text box, and then click
Replace All.

Dayo Mitchell

Use Find and Replace. The Find code for index entries (I think) is ^19.
Replace with nothing. (Clicking on More, then Special, gives you access to
Finding all sorts of things, by the way).


Suzanne S. Barnhill

No, ^19 (like ^d) is the code for the opening field delimiter. So you need
to use ^19 XE.

Dayo Mitchell

Thanks, I was going on vague memory...and of course my test worked, since I
was vaguely in the realm of where I wanted to be.

For some reason Index Entry is not in my Special menu for F&R,
apparently....Nor in the Help topic "Type codes for items you want to find
and replace"...oh well.


Suzanne S. Barnhill

You won't find "index entry" under Special. You search for any field by
entering ^19 or ^d and then the field code (XE, TC, REF, etc.).

Dayo Mitchell

Thanks again, Suzanne. Added to my notes on Fields for future reference.


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