Removing individual programs


Tony Miller

Is it possible to remove programs such as infopath2007 and groove2007 - I'll
never use these but installed them at the start. If I go to add/remove
programs and click on MS Office then 'change' I get the option to 'add/remove
features', 'repair' or 'remove'. If I select 'remove' it asks me if I want to
remove Office 2007 - which I don't. If I click yes, will it then give me
individual options or remove the entire suite? As I say I only want to remove
individual programmes not everything. Apologies for a simple question, but it
should be easier than this. Thanks

Herb Tyson [MVP]

Click Change - Add or Remove Features - Continue. Drop down the arrow next
to Groove and choose Not Available. Do the same for InfoPath. Then click
Continue. You'll get the Configuring... and at the end of the process, those
will have been removed, and everything else will be intact.

Tony Miller

Thanks Herb, I did see that option but wasn't sure what it meant. To my
simple mind it shoud say 'Remove', but I expect there's some reason.
Thanks anyway, appreciated.


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