removing information ballons


Kurt Stuhler

When OneNote first came out, I installed the trial version on my computer.
When you did a screen clipping, it would pop up an information balloon
telling you that you are in the screen clipping mode. Once you did the screen
clip, it would switch back to the OneNote screen with another information
balloon letting you know the screen clipping was successful. I have since
upgraded to the full version, but those darn balloons still pop up. I have
removed OneNote through Add/Remove Programs, edited the registry for every
instance of OneNote I could find, but I just can't get rid of those
irritating info balloons. Anyone have any ideas?

Andrew Watt [MVP - InfoPath]

On Thu, 4 Nov 2004 11:09:05 -0800, Kurt Stuhler <Kurt
When OneNote first came out, I installed the trial version on my computer.
When you did a screen clipping, it would pop up an information balloon
telling you that you are in the screen clipping mode. Once you did the screen
clip, it would switch back to the OneNote screen with another information
balloon letting you know the screen clipping was successful. I have since
upgraded to the full version, but those darn balloons still pop up. I have
removed OneNote through Add/Remove Programs, edited the registry for every
instance of OneNote I could find, but I just can't get rid of those
irritating info balloons. Anyone have any ideas?


I may be misunderstanding your situation. You seem to be saying that
removed OneNote entirely from your machine. Is that correct?

So, if OneNote has been uninstalled when do you see the balloons?

Andrew Watt
MVP - InfoPath

Kurt S

Sorry, that was a little confusing wasn't it?

I should have said I uninstalled it, reg hacked, then re-installed the full
version from a MS Office 2003 Pro version CD. But the balloons still persist
as if it was the trial version.

Andrew Watt [MVP - InfoPath]


Thanks for the clarification.

I have never had the Trial version on my machine. I also have the
balloons every time I screen clip. I haven't found a way yet to turn
them off. I agree with you that they are a bit superfluous (at least
they seem that way to me) since the grey screen makes the first
balloon unnecessary and the pasted clipping makes the second a bit

If I find a way to turn them off I will let you know. No luck so far.

One positive thing is they are non-modal. You can just carry on
working if you can steel yourself to ignore them. :)

Andrew Watt
MVP - InfoPath

Kurt S

The intersting thing is that I have OneNote installed on both my computers
here at work and it doesn't happen on them, however I started with the full
version instead of upgrading from the trial version. Another Collegue of mine
who is also on the Office support team here at work Didn't have the problem

We did a test on a freshly installed Win XP/ Office 2003 load and had
interesting results. With a full load of OneNote we didn't get the balloons.
We un-installed the full version of OneNote and installed the trial version.
We got the balloons. We then un-installed the trail version and put the full
version back on and the balloons went away. For some reason this fix didn't
work on my laptop.

It wouldn't be so much of a problem except that I like to have my toolbar
hidden. When the balloons come up, it brings up the toolbar and if I'm trying
to take a screenshot of the lower part of the screen, I run the risk of
having the toolbar get in the way.

The only work-around I have found is to turn off the systray icon. The
balloons only show up for a fraction of a second then, but I like the icon
available so it's not a real good fix for me.

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