Removing items from a combo box?



Using Word 97.

A very basic VBA question.

I am using AddItem to place items from a string array into a combo box

mystring(1) = "qwerty"
mystring(2) = "asdfgh"
mystring(10) = "mnbvcx"

With MyForm
For n = 1 to 10
.myComboBox.AddItem mystring(n)


This works fine. When I click on the scroll bar, the list of items

However, at a later time, I want to re-load the box with a different
list. But if I use similar code to the above, the new items are *added*
to the original list. I just want to *replace* the original list.

The question then is: How do I remove the original items before adding
new ones?

Jay Freedman

Hi, Ian,

Use the command myComboBox.Clear to empty the list, then add the new

Ian Wade

Now why didn't I think of that. Thanks Jay.

(Actually, the reason I didn't think of that is because the book I am
using for reference -- "Mastering VBA6" by Guy Hart-Davis -- does not
seem to mention it anywhere).

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