Removing logon password protection from Access 2000


Edward Johnson

I tried adding logon password protection to Access 2000
and when I closed Access and tried to reopen it with the
logon password protection in effect, my password keeps
getting rejected as being "invalid" and I am sure it is
the correct password. The only thing I could think to do
to remove the password protection was to remove Office
2000 from my computer and reinstall it. When I did this
however, I was still promted for a password to open any
database files or open the User and Group Accounts
dialogue and the correct password is still rejected as
being "invalid". I am at a complete loss as to
what to do - please help, thanl you, Edward.

Edward Johnson

When I try to open a database I get a box with Admin
filled in for the "account" and a promt for a password.
When I enter what I believe to be the correct password
I get a message that says "Not a valid account name or
password" (this also happens when I leave the password
blank). It is odd that logon password protection was not
removed from Access by uninstalling and reinstalling
Office 2000 - is there any way to remove it? Thank you.

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