Removing mdw file associated with db



What's the best way to go about getting a database that currently has a
logon and mdw file (I have all permissions and ownership of the db), to
having no logon and no mdw file.

Any help is appreciated.

Joan Wild

Login as the user with all the permissions and ownership.

Go to Tools, security, permissions and grant full permissions to everything
to the Users Group.

Ensure that you are joined by default to the standard system.mdw workgroup
file (check this using Tools, Security, Workgroup Administrator).

Close Access. Reopen it (you should get no login dialog). Create a new mdb
and import all the objects from your secure mdb. This is now unsecured and
won't require a login. You can never do away with a mdw. Access always
uses one. It uses the system.mdw by default and silently logs you in as the
'Admin' user.

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