Removing menu bar customization from old XL95 files



I added custom menu items in a file written with XL95. The files have
been updated to XL2000 and they still use the custom menu items from the
original XL95 workbooks. Does anyone know where to delete these custom
menu items, as I cannot find them in my code nor can I find a way to
delete them permanently. Can I safely delete my excel.xlb file?

Gord Dibben


Excel 5.0 and earlier used the "Menu Editor" to build menus. This is no
longer available in versions newer than 5.0. You can't use the "delete"
method or "reset" to get rid of the custom menu items(as you have learned).

To get rid of the custom menu download Jim Rech's REMOVEMENUS.ZIP file from
Stephen Bullen's site. See instructions and d/l file from:

Gord Dibben Excel MVP
Jan 24, 2020
Reaction score
Does anyone still have a copy of this .zip file? I have a file that needs these removed so I can stop getting the dialogue warning in Excel 2016, but the referenced site no longer exists.

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