Removing Multiple Entries


Akaid Diaz

Hello Everyone,

I am using Excel 2000 and I was wondering if a certain task can be
performed. I have a column with many entries, most multiples. Is it possible
to remove the multiple entries in a column? For example this column below
has ten entries. I would like to remove the nice repeating entries in this
column, what could I do?

10:10 Computer Services
10:10 Computer Services
10:10 Computer Services
10:10 Computer Services
10:10 Computer Services
10:10 Computer Services
10:10 Computer Services
10:10 Computer Services
10:10 Computer Services
10:10 Computer Services


Gord Dibben


Insert a new worksheet.

Select your data range on original sheet.

Data>Filter>Advanced Filter.

Check "Unique records only" and "copy to a new location".

Your "listrange" will be already entered. In the "copy to" click on the
Collapse Dialog button and select your new worksheet A1.

OK your way out.

Filtering Tutorial at Debra Dalgleish's site.......

More on Duplicates marking, preventing at Chip Pearson's site....

Scroll down to "D" section and select Duplicate topics.

Gord Dibben Excel MVP

Akaid Diaz

Thanks for the info I was able to achieve what I needed with your tip.
Basically I have a list with thousands of entries, and different entries
that repeated. So instead of having to manually make a list with single
entries I used the filter tip to achieve it. Basically I followed your
instructions Data/Filter/Advanced Filter but instead I selected "Filter the
list, in-place" and check off "Unique records only" and ok'd my way one. So
I was able to achieve the following;

10:10 Computer Services
10:10 Computer Services
10:10 Computer Services
10:10 Computer Services
10:10 Computer Services
10:10 Computer Services
10:10 Computer Services 10:10 Computers Services
3com 3com


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