Removing non-numeric values from a string


Luke Bellamy

I am importing data into my Access 2002 application from Excel
using VBA (automation etc). I have found that some of the values may appear
like this "$1,000.89cr" so need to remove the chars before applying the
to the numerical field. I have written a routine that checks this string and
if it
is non-numeric and not the dollar sign, commas, full-stops then it removes

I can see an issue here with internationalisation (i.e If the pound sign was
so thought I'd ask if anyone know a better routine within Access to do
like this?


Arvin Meyer

Kip Woodward wrote the following function, which together with the Val()
function will give you exactly what you want. Use it like:

=Val(Strip("$1,000.89cr", "[ ,-]", True))

Public Function Strip(vntText, strWhite As String, Optional
blnStripLeadingZeros As Boolean)
'Usage: Strip(TextString, WhiteSpace, StripZeros)
'TextString: The string you want to clean up. It could be a literal, or a
column in a query.
'WhiteSpace: A string following the Access wildcard conventions.
' You would want to use "[ ,-]" to eliminate spaces,
comma's and dashes.
' I believe the dash has to come last since it also means
thru in wild cards.
'StripZeros: Use true if you want to eliminate LEADING zeros. My logic says
if a zero
' starts the string, or follows WhiteSpace before
non-whitespace, then drop it.

Dim x As Integer
Dim lenText As Integer

On Error GoTo ErrorThis

lenText = Len(vntText)

For x = 1 To lenText
If Not Mid(vntText, x, 1) Like strWhite Then Strip = Strip &
Mid(vntText, x, 1)
If blnStripLeadingZeros And Mid(vntText, x, 1) = "0" Then
If x = 1 Then
Strip = ""
If Mid(vntText, x - 1, 1) Like strWhite And Not Mid(vntText,
x + 1, 1) Like strWhite Then
Strip = Left(Strip, Len(Strip) - 1)
End If
End If
End If

Exit Function

MsgBox "Error number " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description

GoTo ExitThis

End Function

Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
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