Removing Paragraph Markings from Table Cells


Pam Cheek

I have a table with 3 columns.

One of the columns (Projects) has multiple choices in it
for a given individual name.

for example

Name Ofc Sym Project(s)

Pam Cheek MAS/MASP MASP Taskers
CBMD Profiles
Web-Page Design

at the end of each of the choices in the projects column
is a paragraph mark. I want to strip them off. I tried
the following code, but it didn't work. Any

'Select each cell in the table
Celldata = ActiveDocument.Tables(1).Cell(i, j)

'Remove the paragraph and end-of-cell markers
'as we load the array

MyArrayName(i - 1, j - 1) = Left(Celldata, Len
(Celldata) - 2)




Every cell in a Word table, even empty cells, contains two characters: vbCR
+ chr(9). That combination is the cell marker itself. These are always
present, so you need to take them into account when working out the length
of cell contents.

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