I had set up security on my computer a few years ago on an
access 2000 database several years ago and have since
forgot the password after I quit using access for a
while. Now I have a database in Access I helped create
and I can't get into it because I can't get past the
security password I set up on my machine. Is there a way
to find the password again or to remove it without ruining
the databases in the past that I created that had the same
security while creating it? Your help is appreciated.
Frustrated Bob
I had set up security on my computer a few years ago on an
access 2000 database several years ago and have since
forgot the password after I quit using access for a
while. Now I have a database in Access I helped create
and I can't get into it because I can't get past the
security password I set up on my machine. Is there a way
to find the password again or to remove it without ruining
the databases in the past that I created that had the same
security while creating it? Your help is appreciated.
Frustrated Bob