Removing rows that don't show the lowest stock each day




I have a spreadsheet that has a date column A and a stock level column Z.
Due to stock coming in and going out at different times of the same day there
are often a number of dates the same in col A (time is recorded separately in
col B) and varying values in col Z.

I need to produce a graph of the lowest stock level from every day on which
the stock level changes.


1 1/1/5 100
2 1/1/5 150
3 1/1/5 99
4 1/1/5 120
5 2/1/5 130
6 2/1/5 120
7 6/1/5 100
8 6/1/5 150
9 6/1/5 175

Therefore I want to be able to hide/delete (somehow?) all but row 3, 6 and 7
in this example so I can use the remaining rows date and stock levels for the

Thanks, any help would be greatly appreciated.



Hi Guy,

I would have thought that Rows 3, 1 and 7 would be the lowest?

Have you tried Autofilter, that could give you the lowest 10, and that
should be easy to work from?

Otherwise, you need to look at a macro


Thanks Kassie, rows 1, 3 and 7 do have the lowest 3 numbers but they are not
the lowest values for each of the 3 different dates given. The autofilter of
the 10 lowest numbers isn't appropriate for the same reason plus I have over
1000 rows of data which equates to at least 150 different dates, and thus at
least 150 different lowest stock levels.

How would a macro work?




I've managed to work this one out myself by using the 'subtotal' function -
it inserts a row with the minimum value based on the date enabling me to use
that as the basis of the graph.

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