Clark Buttner said:
OK - That got me where I wanted to be. When I renamed the
system.mdw file it removed the login window seen when
starting Access 2000. It also created another system.mdw
file for me. The user and group security permissions are
also at their default settings.
OK, so it created a new system.mdw for you, don't delete the original
system.mdw just yet. The new one it created will be used for all sessions
of Access, and require no login prompt.
I assume I can now create a new mdw file using wrkgadm.exe
and start Access 2000 with a command line option referring
to the new mdw file. Any subsequent modifications to
security settings will be retained in the new file.
Hang on a sec, you need to understand that the mdw contains users, groups,
group memberships, and passwords that's all. It doesn't contain
permissions. Those are stored in the mdb. You still have your mdb that you
ran the wizard on, and it is still 'secured' using that original system.mdw
that you renamed. Also when you run wrkgadm.exe it will join you by default
to the newly created mdw.
First I would rename that original system1.mdw (whatever you renamed it to)
to secure.mdw. Calling it system.mdw will be confusing - let the default
one be named that.
You don't want to create a new mdw file vie wrkgadm.exe because you already
have a 'secure' mdw. Actually you don't, but you may need it to restore
your mdb.
I would suggest you start by unsecuring your mdb.
Create a desktop shortcut like
"path to msaccess.exe" "path to secure mdb" /wrkgrp "path to secure.mdw"
Login and grant all permissions to all objects to the Users group, and close
Reopen Access and create a new mdb (you should get no login prompt), and
import all objects from your mdb.
You're now back a square one. You can delete the secure.mdw and start over.
Follow the steps outlined at for version 2000. It's important that
you don't run the wizard as it doesn't do the job correctly in 2000.