Hi Alex,
Thank you for the explanation!
Sorry, but there isn't a way to freeze the formatting in this way. You might
be able to write a macro, but it probably would have to remember hundreds or
thousands of properties (borders, shading, textures, colors, padding... of
each cell), and would be slow. Such a solution would also be difficult to
maintain (because a later modification of the table style would no longer
affect the table, and if you'd apply a different table style later, the
problem would reappear).
If it's just the heading row that makes a difference, then maybe just
turning off heading rows in the lower part of the table might do the trick?
Selection.Tables(1).ApplyStyleHeadingRows = False
If the scenario is more complex (banded rows ...), you might create a
special table style for the second part of the table, with the proper
Hello Klaus, thanks for your reply.
Klaus Linke said:
You probably got no reply because nobody understood your question... I
Fair enough, I'll try to be more precise.
The properties *are* the appearance, so you can not "remove" them.
If you mean: Can I freeze the current layout so that nobody can change it
any more (= can only edit the text)
Not exactly.
Let's say I create a 10x10 table.
Then I apply the wdTableFormatProfessional (for example) auto-format to it.
Now I have a nicely formatted table, whose 1st row is white on black bold
and the rest are black on white.
I would like those formatting properties to stay that way unless the user
manually changes them
However, there is a problem:
If I split the table along, say, row #5 - I will get two tables, but this
row (which was row #5 in the original table but is now row #1 in the second
table) will change its format according to the auto-format that was applied
This is exactly what I am trying to avoid.
My process needs to split the table but without auto-format kicking in and
reformatting it.
So, is there a way to apply the auto-formatting normally but before
splitting the table marking it as not auto-formatted (but without resetting
the current format)?