The way to get rid of the underline is to put a semi-transparent shape
on top of the words you want to link and make the shape have the
hyperlink instead of the words. This is far from ideal, but as long as
the text stays in the same place, it works.
I found it interesting that when I tried to format the style of the text the
underline checkbox was disabled. Also, this VBA code was ignored:
With .TextFrame.TextRange.Font
.Underline = False
End With
David's suggestion is good. Another way would be to type the text normally.
Before inserting the hyperlink, right-click (control-click) on the textbox
frame and choose Save As Picture.
Then, delete the textbox frame and use Insert > Picture > From File and
import the picture of the text box you just saved. Put the hyperlink on the
Jim Gordon
MVPs are not Microsoft Employees
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