This routine renames the file "old.jpg" with a new 8 digit name consisting
of today's day, hour, minute and second.
How can I modify this so it loops through all of the files in that directory
and renames them?
Sub RenamePIX()
Dim x As String, y, z, OldName, NewName
x = "C:\Documents and settings\user\my documents\PIX\"
y = Format(Date, "dd")
z = Format(Time, "hhmmss")
OldName = x & "OLD.jpg": NewName = x & y & z & ".jpg"
Name OldName As NewName
End Sub
of today's day, hour, minute and second.
How can I modify this so it loops through all of the files in that directory
and renames them?
Sub RenamePIX()
Dim x As String, y, z, OldName, NewName
x = "C:\Documents and settings\user\my documents\PIX\"
y = Format(Date, "dd")
z = Format(Time, "hhmmss")
OldName = x & "OLD.jpg": NewName = x & y & z & ".jpg"
Name OldName As NewName
End Sub