rename bookmarks with code


Jesper F

How can go through the bookmarks in a document and rename them all?
I have 10-100 bookmarks that are named q1, q2, q3 etc.

Can I iterate through them and rename them?
I get and error saying the .name property is read only.

Greg Maxey


I don't think that it is possible to rename a bookmark with code. What you
can do however is redefine the the bookmark with a different name.
Something like:

Sub ReDefineBookmarks()
Dim bkmCol As New Collection
Dim oBkm As Bookmark
Dim colElement
Dim Count As Integer

Count = 0
For Each oBkm In ActiveDocument.Bookmarks
bkmCol.Add oBkm.Name
With ActiveDocument.Bookmarks
For Each colElement In bkmCol
Count = Count + 1
.Add "NewName" & Count, .Item(colElement).Range
End With
End Sub

Greg Maxey

I suppose that you could use something like this if you wanted to assign a
unique name to each redefined macro:

Sub ReDefineBookmarks()
Dim bkmCol As New Collection
Dim oBkm As Bookmark
Dim colElement
Dim Count As Integer
Dim CurName As String
Dim NewName As String

Count = 0
For Each oBkm In ActiveDocument.Bookmarks
bkmCol.Add oBkm.Name
With ActiveDocument.Bookmarks
For Each colElement In bkmCol
Count = Count + 1
CurName = .Item(colElement).Name
NewName = InputBox("Current Name: " & CurName & vbCr & "New name: ")
If NewName <> "" Then
.Add NewName, .Item(colElement).Range
End If
End With
End Sub

Helmut Weber

Hi Jesper, hi Greg:

.... or like this:

Sub RenameBookmark(n1$, n2$)
Dim rTmp As Range
With ActiveDocument.Range
Set rTmp = .Bookmarks(n1$).Range
.Bookmarks.Add Name:=n2$, Range:=rTmp
End With
End Sub
' ---
Sub test()
RenameBookmark "Bookmark1", "Bookmark2"
End Sub

You may check whether the bookmark exists beforehand.

Greetings from Bavaria, Germany
Helmut Weber, MVP
"red.sys" & chr(64) & ""
Word 2002, Windows 2000

Jesper F

I suppose that you could use something like this if you wanted to assign a
unique name to each redefined macro:

Thanks a lot Greg, I'll try these out. Thanks!

Jesper, Denmark

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