Renameing a Sidenote

  • Thread starter Rev. Michael L. Burns
  • Start date

Rev. Michael L. Burns

Is it possible to rename a Sidenote. I am currently doing several research
projexts using sidenotes to capture the information I am getting from the
web. This has created a number of sidenotes (when window is maximized) all
with the name untitled. I cannot find a way to rename the note. At this point
I am not ready to move these notes to anotehr section.


Grant Robertson

Is it possible to rename a Sidenote. I am currently doing several research
projexts using sidenotes to capture the information I am getting from the
web. This has created a number of sidenotes (when window is maximized) all
with the name untitled. I cannot find a way to rename the note. At this point
I am not ready to move these notes to anotehr section.

Select {View / Page Header} while the window is maximized. I don't think
this is turned on by default for the SideNotes section but I like it
turned on. The header still doesn't show up when the window is small
enough to be considered a SideNote window so it doesn't get in the way.
With this turned on I usually don't even have to type in a name for the
page. OneNote just takes the first line of my SideNote as the title of
the page for the tab. Rather than edit the actual title of the page for
the SideNote, I put what I want for the title in the first line then
indent the actual note under that. This makes for easy transfer to
another page later.

As a side note (pun intended) you may notice any time you make the
OneNote window small enough it automatically converts to the SideNote
format regardless of which section you are viewing.

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