Renaming Columns A, B, C, D, E, etc. in Excel?


Lee H.

How can a user rename Column "A" to say "Last Name," rename Column "B" to say
"First Name," Column "C" to say "Address 1," etc?

This would allow the data to start on row #1 for automatic renumbering when
new rows are added, rather than having to put the column names on row 1,
causing the data to start on row 2.

Dave Peterson

You can't.

You can show letters or numbers as the column headers--or hide them. But you
can't rename them.


Hi Lee,

You can "sort of" do this 2007:

1. Select the range and choose Home, Format as Table and pick a style
2. As you scroll down the screen the column letters will be replaced with
the titles in the table when you reach the limit of viewing the titles.

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