Renaming enterprise Resources causes a duplicates (v2003)



When renaming enterprise resources, 3 out of the 4 Resource Availability
views in PWA will display 2 entries for a resources that has simpy had their
name changed in the enterprise pool. We have found that by re-saving the
projects that the affected resources have assingments in will consolidate and
clean up this duplication.

My question is this:
Is there another way to do this instead of manually checking out and
re-saving each file or writing some new VBA app? Is there a PDS procedure
call that we could run that would eliminate the the need to manual re-save
our files to clean this duplication?


This is the one! I'll try it out. Thank you!

Chak said:
Hello ST,

I am not sure, what process you are following to fix the duplication
by manually saving the project plans. If you are looking for automated
way to save the project plans, you may be consider "View Populator"
tool. It's meant for publishing the project plans. Publish always
saves the project plan.



Hello ST,

Sorry to hear, please could you explain your original posting. You are
saying that you able to fix the issue by manually saving the plan.
It's not sounds like relevant solution to fix the duplicate names. But
it worked for you, please share with us. Some one else including me,
may be suggest the automation or alternative solution.




When we check out and edit the resource name of an enterprise work resource
in MS Pro 2003, we end up with a duplicate entry in the PWA Resource
Availability views. For instance, we select one of the resources in the
Project Center that we've edited the resource name for and it comes up twice
when we go to View Resource Availability. Both the previous name and its new
name appear in the list with checkboxes selected.

The work is successfully transfered to the new resource name, but not its
availability. The new resource has no Availability (zero). To consolidate
these two instances of our resource(s), we open the project file(s) in which
they are assigned in MS Project Pro and perform a save. As soon as the
project files are saved the old resource name the PWA resource Availability
views disappear and the resource with the new name also has the correct
availability information.

/Spiro Theopoulos


Hello ST,

I am suprised by hearing, how you ended up with duplicate names. When
you edit the enterprise resource name, it will not
create any duplicate name. You can able to edit the enterprise names
without duplicates.

I guess, something like below happens on your case.

1) Before edit the name:

You have enterprise resource called "xyz" in enterprise
resource pool

xyz added to project plan called project1

PWA views are showing xyz name for project1

2) Edit enterprise resource name:

xyz name has been edited as xyz-new

In this case, you are correct. When you open project1, it will syncs
with enterprise resource pool and xyz name will be updated as new name

You have to do the following to show the correct names in PWA:

A) Open project plan, Save and publish -> This action will correct the
info in Project Centre, Resource Center and Timesheets

B) Run the OLAP cube -> This action updates the resource availability
in Portfolio Analyzer

I know, it's painful to open the each and every project plan and save.
So, you may be use VBA to do this. VBA code should open each and every
plan and save to server. I am not providing the code here, but you can
refer the following VBA code on my website (
pjadmin/vbasavefiles.php) and modify the code to address your needs.

Hint: In FOR loop, Open plan in RW mode, and use FileClose (pjSave)

Also run OLAP cube, it solves the Resource Availability information.


Gagan Goel - MCP PMP


There was a known bug in MS project server where local resources on
subsequent saves were duplicated in certain circumstances. This was fixed by
SP2a. Which service pack are you on ? I would recommend you deploying SP2a or
possibly the latest SP which is SP3.


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