Renaming "Red category" to "Suppliers" - NEVER disappears



OK. So this is weird. I have A fantastic Windows Vista Ultimate Laptop.
Complete with Office 2007, Outlook 2007 and Business Contact manager.

At some stage I played with the Categories, and I remember doing two things,
namely: From the Category Icon Thingy, I chose to RENAME "Red Category" TO
"Suppliers", and I also THINK that in my Contacts, I selectd this "Suppliers"
Category for several of my contacts.

Cool, looked good, never used it.

However - and THIS is my question... from that point on (several WEEKS ago)
I notice that in the bottom right of Outlook, the messag "Renaming "Red
Category" to "Suppliers"..." is ALWAYS there...

I even went in and REMOVED the Category, I then re-inserted it as simply RED
CATEGORY again, I even removed the whole "Suppliers" / RED Category out of
the Contacts... and yet STIL I see ALL the time "Renaming "Red Cateory" to

AAgghh - frustrating - what HAVE I Done?



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