renaming slide masters - takes on the file name instead of the firstlayout.



I've made a template with three different slide masters. I named the
first one Company name red. The second is Company name grey, and the
third is Company name black.

The template works fine. It displays the correct names. But when I
open a presentation based on the template, my first layout (the red
one) takes on the name of the file, which in this case is Company

I even erased the red layout and left only the grey and the black. But
when I based a presentation on the template The grey now took on the
file name, while the black was still correct.

Is this a bug? Can anything be done about it?

Lucy Thomson

Interesting. I can recreate this - the top master takes on the name of the
template when a presentation is created from the template (regardless of how
many masters there are). This doesn't happen if the file is saved as a pptx
instead of a potx - might that work around work for you?

I'll report this to MS and see if it is by design or a bug. Unless someone
else knows something about this?



I'd be interested to know what they say if you get an answer from
Microsoft. Thanks for your help.

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