A very simple balance sheet assuming a monthly rent:
1 column headings:
A1: Date
B1: Rent
C1: Payments
D1: Under/Over Paid
Then in cell A3 enter the formula:
and copy down as far as you need. All cells should remain with a blank
display until a date (more then a month old) is entered in A2 then
automatically display down the column as the rent days become due. The
formula will present difficulties if the day number is greater then 28 -
post back if you want it to be, say, the last day of the month.
B2 enter the formula:
=IF(A2<>"",250,"") with the correct rent in place of the 250 and format the
column as currency.
Column C has the rent paid directly entered as it it collected
Column D starting from D2 has the formula:
(e-mail address removed)
(e-mail address removed) with @tiscali.co.uk