renumbering figures with captions after moving them.



Word 2008. I have figures with captions that are numbered. If I
move the figures, so they are in a different order, how do you
renumber them?

In this forum are some answers for older versions of Word, they don't
seem to work.

Michel Bintener

It really depends on which method you used to number them. Did you use the
Caption feature in Word? If so, you should find that your captions are
renumbered automatically. If you added the captions manually, then you will
have to renumber them manually.

John McGhie

Command + A, then Command + F9 :)

Select the whole text of the document, and update fields :)

The caption function creates captions out of SEQ fields. These are
extremely reliable, but they are "Cold" fields that will update only when
you select them and "Update Fields".

You can build your captions with LISTNUM fields if you like. LISTNUM fields
are "Hot" fields that will update dynamically. But you have to enter them
manually or use an AutoText to put them in.

I always use LISTNUM fields because they update automatically. But if you
have other people working on the document it is not such a good idea to use
them, because unless the other users know the captions have been done with
LISTNUMs, they can break them.

If you want to use them, get back to me and I will explain exactly how.

Hope this helps

Word 2008. I have figures with captions that are numbered. If I
move the figures, so they are in a different order, how do you
renumber them?

In this forum are some answers for older versions of Word, they don't
seem to work.


This email is my business email -- Please do not email me about forum
matters unless you intend to pay!

John McGhie, Microsoft MVP (Word, Mac Word), Consultant Technical Writer,
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. | Ph: +61 (0)4 1209 1410
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]

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