I several of my larger workbooks, I get a repeat alert "No more new fonts may
be applied to this workbook" when I save, make changes or print the workbook
or selected worksheets. This happens on both my office computer running
Excel 2003 and home computer running Excel 2000. To complete the desired
action, I must click <OK> for as many as five times per worksheet. It must
be caused by a setting in the workbook. Does anyone know what causes this
and how to correct it?
be applied to this workbook" when I save, make changes or print the workbook
or selected worksheets. This happens on both my office computer running
Excel 2003 and home computer running Excel 2000. To complete the desired
action, I must click <OK> for as many as five times per worksheet. It must
be caused by a setting in the workbook. Does anyone know what causes this
and how to correct it?