We just updated our contacts and have some contacts with
more than one email address. If a contact has additional
emails then they appear repeatedly in the address book
(one listing for each email address). And, if the
contact has a fax number than they are listed again. So,
a typical contact is in the address book three times in a
row if s/he has two email addresses and a fax number.
Has anyone else had this problem? I would like to just
have one listing for every contact, no matter how many
email addresses. If we insert an "f" in front of the fax
number than that additional listing will disappear but
that's a frusterating extra step. Any suggestions?
more than one email address. If a contact has additional
emails then they appear repeatedly in the address book
(one listing for each email address). And, if the
contact has a fax number than they are listed again. So,
a typical contact is in the address book three times in a
row if s/he has two email addresses and a fax number.
Has anyone else had this problem? I would like to just
have one listing for every contact, no matter how many
email addresses. If we insert an "f" in front of the fax
number than that additional listing will disappear but
that's a frusterating extra step. Any suggestions?